Why are your sermons, books, and teaching resources not all free in the first place? Why do you charge for them?
We want to see the gospel reach as many people as possible all over the world. It is our desire to make it easy for anyone and everyone to access the gospel, so we definitely want to make sermons, books, and other teaching resources freely available to all.
But while we desire to make our resources completely free, "free” comes at a cost. As an independent publishing house, we are confronted with certain practical realities: We have a committed team of writers, creatives, designers, video editors, and software developers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to create, produce, and distribute the world-class teaching resources you find on our website, JosephPrince.com, and on the Joseph Prince App. In addition to taking care of our publishing team, we also have recurring payments to manage. This includes overheads for things such as office rental, warehousing, as well as IT infrastructure to power our websites and apps.
We also want to clarify that we are an independent publishing house responsible for Joseph Prince Resources (JosephPrince.com and the Joseph Prince App), and we are not part of the non-profit organization registered in America known as Joseph Prince Ministries Inc., nor are we part of New Creation Church Singapore, where Pastor Joseph Prince volunteers as the Senior Pastor. This means we are not supported by the donations that Joseph Prince Ministries Inc. or New Creation Church receive. As an independent Christian publisher, we do not accept donations but are sustained by the sales and subscriptions of our publications, books, and media resources.
So to make our resources more freely available, we have launched our new Gospel Partner initiative. Our mission is to find innovative and sustainable ways to make more and more books and teaching resources completely free for those who request them. As you can imagine, this is a big step of faith for us.
To begin with, we have started releasing the latest sermons (the most in-demand and most recurring of our resources) completely free on YouTube from January 2022. We are also working on making books like Destined To Reign and Healing Scriptures free on the app for people who request them.
In making this disruptive shift from the traditional publishing model to what we are calling “missional publishing,” we are praying for partners who will come alongside us to make this new publishing vision and mission sustainable in the long term.
In this model, we invite those who are able to subscribe or order resources for themselves to do so. As you make this choice, you will also be helping others to gain access to the teaching resources. Any book, resource, sermon, or subscription plan you purchase from JosephPrince.com and the Joseph Prince App from January 2022 onward will help us to advance our Gospel Partner vision. Not only will you have access to the resources for yourself, but you will also be making a direct impact by helping us to make many of these resources completely free to the rest of the world in multiple languages.
That said, please know that there is completely no obligation for you to sign up for any subscription plan or order any of our resources. We invite you to avail yourself of the free latest sermons, free books, and free teaching resources that we have started releasing from January 2022.
The subscription plans are only for people who have been blessed by this ministry, who desire access to more messages, and who want to partner with us to see the gospel of grace reach more people.
We hope this gives you an insight into what goes on behind the scenes, and we want to thank you for your prayerful consideration to partner with us.
If your question has not been answered, please contact us here.