Where can I find the free resources by Gospel Partner?
If you are looking for free resources for yourself or someone you know who needs to hear the gospel, you can find them here:
- Full sermons (which we call Gospel Partner episodes) on our YouTube channel.
- E-books available for free upon request on GospelPartner.com.
- The Joseph Prince App that brings you free content, including a daily devotional experience with a guided prayer and a time of reflection/meditation with accompanying worship music.
Please feel free to share the free resources above with anyone you know who needs to be encouraged or ministered to. There are people in your world that only you can reach. We see Gospel Partner as a two-way partnership—it’s not just about you partnering with us, but we also want to partner with you by putting free teaching resources in your hands that you can use to share the love of Jesus with your family, friends, and loved ones.
We believe just one encounter with the grace of our Lord can make all the difference in a person’s life. This is the main motivation for us to make more of our resources completely free—so that it can be super easy and frictionless for you to share the Word of God with someone else!
If your question has not been answered, please contact us here.